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Chinese translation for "logic fault"


Related Translations:
active logic:  有源逻辑
contention logic:  争用逻辑
core logic:  磁心逻辑
hardware logic:  硬件逻辑
logic trainer:  逻辑教练设备逻辑示教机
overflow logic:  溢出逻辑溢位逻辑
logic base:  逻辑代数基础逻辑基逻辑数据库
logic polarity:  逻辑极化
logic restraint:  逻辑限制
set logic:  置位逻辑
Example Sentences:
1.The modeling of logic fault diagnosis problem based on petri net is the emphasis of the dissertation
2 、基于petri网的逻辑故障诊断模型是本文的核心。
2.Benefit from designer experience , expert system regulations are built by c language . through the inference , all fixed logic fault and most multi - line short circuit fault are detected by expert system . on that account , the design process built by c language will be a mode that can be imitated by other intelligent fault diagnosis system
3.Due to the shortage of petri net in fault diagnosis , this thesis brings forward logic fault diagnosis petri net model . this model was used into the lift fault diagnosis and the multi - fault and conflict problems in lift controller ' s fault diagnosis were solved successfully
4.However , because the automobile breakdown is characterized by suddenness , comprehensiveness and difference , at the time of failure detection , we still need concrete analysis of concrete conditions , that is , we should choose appropriate detection facilities or testing tools with correct logic fault analysis , and then establish the data of failure detection and diagnosis , by which we can locate the failure and carry out trouble shooting accurately and promptly
5.When those ptvs are sequentially loaded to cut ( circuit under test ) from intelligent fault diagnosis system , homologous prvs ( parallel response vector ) are taken back . through test response analysis by expert system , intelligent fault diagnosis system can detect all fixed ' 1 ' logic fault , fixed ' 0 ' logic fault , and detect the majority of multi - line short circuit fault
当这些ptvs从pc机中依次加载到被测电路板后,相应的prvs (并行响应向量集)可以获取供诊断系统进行测试响应分析,从而检测出固定逻辑故障和桥接故障。
6.Using petri nets theory , this thesis carries out lift controller ' s normal running petri net model and function running petri net model . it is successful to use logic fault diagnosis petri net model , which is brought forward by the thesis , into lift controller fault diagnosing
Similar Words:
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